You don’t have to pay for this!
What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world.
~ Simon Sinek
In my earlier post i had written about working on yourself as a brand. There are so many resources nowadays that help you to take that next step in whatever field or industry. And it’s all free!
Be it the videos, graphics, softwares, mockups, specialized brushes etc. A lot is out there.
During my down time the first thing i did was to knowledge myself with what’s out there.
The more you know, the more you grow.
I have been previously in the field of Advertising, 2013 i shifted to digital agency. My sole purpose to begin on this journey was to explore and update myself with the changing market. Shifted later on to branding. I certainly enjoying this change. But the things which i learned over the time has helped me in branding.
A healthy tip: The old way of Subscription to these resourceful website help. I know i sound cliche when i say to subscribe. These websites they want the hits, so if you subscribe they send you stuff for free. On daily, weekly basis. Use it, learn it. LinkedIn has free courses on every possible topics. So many universities have started free online courses rarely people know.
Hope this helps.